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Shanghai, China.

Alstom in Switzerland

Alstom in Switzerland. Alstom's presence in Switzerland covers a wide range of the value chain – from engineering to manufacturing, from testing to service activities. As an industrial partner of public transport, we are close to our customers and offer them state-of-the-art, safe and energy-efficient transport solutions.

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Universal хацарт бутлуур гэж юу вэ?

Нэмэлт шинж чанарууд: Бүх нийтийн хацарт бутлуур нь гидравлик солих тохируулга гэх мэт нэмэлт функцуудыг санал болгож болно, автомат тосолгооны систем, бутлуурын үйл ажиллагааны үр ашиг ...

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Urban signalling: Urbalis CBTC range

Alstom is a strong leader in the mass transit market and a clear number one on the communications-based train control (CBTC) market. Our CBTC range consisting of Urbalis™ and Urbalis Flo™ are suitable for conventional and intelligent solutions and for any complexity, brown- or green-field system, and at all grades of automation. ...

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Alstom Bogies Catalogue 2015

This document is copyrighted by ALSTOM in 2015 and all rights are reserved. The document consists primarily of the copyright notice repeated across multiple pages ...

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Alstom University

Alstom University has been recognised for its outstanding achievements as a corporate university and has won the following awards: Best use of virtual worlds at Alstom in partnership with Komodal (Brandon Hall - Gold - 2023)Best use …

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en/116/ppt on hp 1103 at main

Alstom hp 1103 coal pulverizer YouTube Aug 17,2016 spare parts ppt on hp 1103 pulverizer Jan 23,2014 manufacturer 3:10 bowl mill hp 1103 of alstom.Improving Coal Pulverizer …

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Building better trains by listening to passengers

AB: Passenger experience means thinking about all elements of a passenger's journey. Because we are human, we interact and have perceptions about our experiences. A smooth journey is a rewarding experience. But disruptions to a journey or a lack of information about service changes can upset passengers and negatively influence their perception of the …

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Бутлуурын сэлбэг хэрэгсэл: бутлуурын хамгийн …

Gyratory бутлуурын эд анги. A gyratory бутлуур конус эсвэл босоо налуу талуудтай, эргэдэг гол дээр суурилуулсан, хөндий их бие дотор байрлуулсан хатуу конус орно. Бутлах гадаргуу хоорондоо ойртож, буталсан бүтээгдэхүүн нь ...

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FOR MORE INFORMATION: Alstom 38 Tai Kok Tsui Road Unit 1011-12, New Kowloon Plaza Kowloon –Hong Kong Phone: +852 27246300 Alstom in Hong Kong/EN/02.2023 –Photo credits: ©ALSTOM SA.

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Innovation at Alstom

At Alstom, we value curious and innovative people who are passionate about working together to reinvent mobility, making it smarter and more sustainable. We are building an agile, inclusive, and responsible culture, where diverse people …

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ALSTOM. 146,499 likes · 878 talking about this. Alstom commits to contribute to a low carbon future by developing and promoting innovative and sustainable transportation solutions that people enjoy...

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FY 2022/23

P lease use the dial-in numbers below and then quote "ALSTOM Results". France: +33 (0) 1 7037 7166. UK: +44 (0) 33 0551 0200. USA: +1 786 697 3501. 24 Apr 2023. FY 2022/23 - Annual Results - webcast. FY 2022/23 - Annual Results - webcast. PDF - 2.54 . FY 2022/23 - Annual Results - Analyst Presentation.

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Coradia Max regional trains: Capacity and flexibility | Alstom

Coradia Max™ high-capacity regional trains offer a state-of-the-art, high-performance electric multiple unit to address the double-deck market with optimised accessibility and efficiency. It has a highly modular approach with a cost-efficient operation and maximised passenger capacity. Over 500 trains have already been ordered across Europe.

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Stadler, Siemens and Alstom at Innotrans 2024

Berlin will host InnoTrans 2024 from September 24-27, attracting top players in the rail industry. This year's fair promises to showcase cutting-edge technology and …

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Alstom in India

Alstom also built the state-of-the-art Operation Control Centre (OCC) at Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh which will be the 'Nerve Centre' enabling monitoring of operations on the entire Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor. On-going projects in India Electric Locomotive Project In 2015, the Ministry of Railways and Alstom signed a contract worth € ...

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Alstom in Mexico

Alstom's presence in Mexico dates back to 1952. 1968 was the birth of the first Metro in the country, in Mexico City, for which Alstom provided the first trains - some of them are still in circulation. Since then, the company has contributed to the development of the country's infrastructure, providing modern smart and sustainable mobility ...

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Бутлуурын тоног төхөөрөмж

Хацарт бутлуур: Энэ төрлийн бутлуур нь том материалыг хацар хэлбэртэй металл эд ангиудын тусламжтайгаар буталдаг бөгөөд бутлагчийн нэг хацар нь хөдөлгөөнтэй байх ба нөгөө тал нь тогтмол байрлалтай байдаг.

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Alstom Standards | Alstom

Alstom's community creates an environment promoting and encouraging teamwork, dialogue and cooperation, across all levels of hierarchy and all geographical areas. We are a group of passionate, dedicated people who love working together as problem-solvers and trouble-shooters. We go on a challenging journey, but we do it as a community.

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Press releases and news

Alstom's community creates an environment promoting and encouraging teamwork, dialogue and cooperation, across all levels of hierarchy and all geographical areas. We are a group of passionate, dedicated people who love working together as problem-solvers and trouble-shooters. We go on a challenging journey, but we do it as a community.

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Alstom Introduces Its Largest High Capacity Roller Mill

Warrenville, Illinois – Alstom today introduced its new Raymond® 120" Roller Mill System designed to dry, pulverize, classify and deliver various types of materials with feed …

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Alstom GT13E2 Gas Turbine

Features an enhanced axial compressor that delivers improved airflow dynamics, increasing overall turbine efficiency and output. Employs a sophisticated air-cooling system for turbine …

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Alstom to supply 4 Aptis to Greater La Rochelle | Alstom

25 June 2019 – The Greater La Rochelle area has just ordered four electric Aptis buses from Alstom via the CATP, the French central procurement office for public transport, for its Yélo urban transport network.They will be in circulation on the Illico 4 BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) line from the beginning of 2020. 12 metres long and equipped with three doors, the Aptis buses will …

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Alstom at InnoTrans 2024

With its highly modular concept combining single-deck and double-deck architecture, the high-performance regional train addresses the high-capacity double-deck market with cost-efficient …

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Alstom în România

Alstom și Autoritatea Română pentru Reforma Feroviară (ARF) au semnat în septembrie 2022 un act adițional la contractul inițial pentru livrarea a 17 trenuri electrice inter-regionale Coradia Stream suplimentare și a serviciilor de întreținere asociate timp de 15 ani. Aceste trenuri vor completa primele 20 de unități, comandate în ...

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Students & Graduates

At Alstom, we value curious and innovative people who are passionate about working together to reinvent mobility, making it smarter and more sustainable. We are building an agile, inclusive, and responsible culture, where diverse people are offered opportunities to learn, grow and advance in their careers, with options across functions and ...

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Alstom Attends the Beijing-Nanjing International Metro …

Alstom's "Glorious 60 Years, Carrying Forward the Future" exhibition is displaying its more than 60-year-long development journey of "Sharing the same destiny" with China. Alstom, along with its joint ventures in China, is exhibiting a comprehensive range of products and green and smart operation and maintenance technologies.

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Inauguration of Dubai Route 2020 Metro

Alstom-led consortium delivers extension of Dubai Metro Red Line. A full turnkey integrated system; 15km-long; 50 Metropolis trainsets; Total value of the project is €2.6 billion; 10 July 2020 – Alstom congratulates Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), on the inauguration of the Dubai Route 2020 Metro. This iconic project was ...

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Denver International Airport begins putting Alstom's new …

The new cars are top-of-the-line Innovia™ APM 300R manufactured by Alstom in the U.S. New Automated People Mover (APM) trains will increase capacity, efficiency and comfort at one of the busiest airports in the world.

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Rolling Bearings in ALSTOM Beater Wheel Mills

ALSTOM Power, Stuttgart, builds modern high-capacity beater wheel mills for pulverising coal in atmospheric steam power plants. These beater wheel mills are used to pulverise the crude …

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Alstom accelerates investments in Türkiye with new factory …

New factory and people to serve Alstom's future growth strategy in Türkiye and globally through localisation and technology transfer capabilities ; 24 July 2024 – Alstom, a global leader in green and smart mobility solutions, has furthered its investments in Türkiye by acquiring Duray Ulasim Sistemleri in Bursa.

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