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AngloGold Ashanti Ltd Share Price ORD USD1

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The AngloGold Ashanti Global Security Framework was designed to meet security needs while maintaining respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. We are also a signatory to the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, which is recognised as international best-practice for the professional and transparent utilisation and conduct ...

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Maintain long-term optionality

AngloGold Ashanti and B2Gold have completed a comprehensive review of the alternatives and consider that it would be in the best interest of all stakeholders for a new party to own the Gramalote project. The partners appointed a corporate advisor in the fourth quarter of 2022 to assist with the sale process.

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Annual reports

AngloGold Ashanti is a global gold mining company with a geographically diverse portfolio of operations and projects. View Our portfolio

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AngloGold Ashanti plc ("AngloGold Ashanti") is an

AngloGold Ashanti plc ("AngloGold Ashanti") is an independent, global gold mining company with a diverse, high-quality portfolio of operations, projects and exploration activities across …

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Our business model

Home » Integrated Report » Introducing AngloGold Ashanti » Our business model Our business model Delivery on our strategy involves optimising and balancing the use of scarce capital resource inputs to enhance positive …

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Our stories

AngloGold Ashanti Brazil's TSF Emergency Preparation Plan provides blueprint for Group roll-out. AngloGold Ashanti Brazil is working to fulfil its commitment to implement the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management within three years. Read story; AngloGold Ashanti's zero tolerance approach to sexual harassment

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AngloGold Ashanti's sustainability journey spans well over a decade and continues to transform the Company in a manner that seeks to address the evolving global landscape. Good governance is foundational to our overall sustainability strategy. Our sustainability strategy and framework.

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Events calendar

At AngloGold Ashanti, our goal is to develop people and encourage a workplace that allows every person to contribute, learn and flourish. The success of our business is tied to the well-being of our employees. View Careers. Job opportunities; Graduates & …

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Алт — Википедиа нэвтэрхий толь

Алтны уурхайн хамгийн эртний газрын зургийг Эртний Египетийн 19-р гүрний үед (МЭӨ 1320-1200) зурсан бол алтны тухай анхны бичгээр МЭӨ 1900 оны үед 12-р гүрний үед тэмдэглэгджээ.[77]

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Sustainability Report

2022 at a glance Our people 32,594 average number of employees and contractors $8.94m spent on training and development $534m paid to employees as salaries, wages and other benefits Our communities 96% Proportion of …

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AngloGold Ashanti Company Profile

AngloGold Ashanti is a gold mining company that provides mine exploration, drilling, and development services. It extracts and develops mining assets that produce silver …

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Annual reports

AngloGold Ashanti announces a maiden Mineral Resource at the Silicon Project in Nevada and Advancement of the Project to Pre-Feasibility PDF, 2.3mb. Notice of Meeting 2021 PDF. Form of Proxy PDF. CDI Voting Instruction Form PDF. GhDS Voting Instruction Form PDF. 2021 Form 20-F PDF, 13.4mb. 2021 Form 20-F (XBRL format) www, 8.5mb

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AngloGold Ashanti to buy Centamin in $2.5B deal (NYSE:AU)

AngloGold Ashanti (NYSE:AU) has agreed to buy British gold producer Centamin (OTCPK:CELTF) in a deal valuing it at $2.5 billion.Under the terms of the transaction, Centamin shareholders will be ...

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AngloGold Ashanti Brasil

AngloGold Ashanti Brasil | 201,456 followers on LinkedIn. Nosso futuro se escreve com transformação. | Quase dois séculos de operação fazem da AngloGold Ashanti a indústria com maior ...

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Our contribution to the UN SDGs

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. 7.2 By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. 7.3 By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency. 7.a By 2030, enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, including renewable …

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Serra Grande, Brazil

In September 2021, AngloGold Ashanti's Serra Grande mine became the first mine in Brazil to implement a filtered tailings disposal system. This means that, at the end of ore processing, all the tailings generated go through a …

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Image & video library

AngloGold Ashanti's approach to climate change; HRR 2020 - Our commitment to human rights; HRR 2020 - Reporting on our human rights performance for 2020; AngloGold Ashanti's tailings and waste management; AngloGold …

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Integrated stakeholder engagement

Investment community. Quality of engagement: Strong Includes: Shareholders, current and future investors, debt funders and other providers of capital. This stakeholder group represents the principal providers of financial capital. We engage with both international and local institutional investors, private investors and fund managers as well as investment and ESG analysts and …

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Эрдэнэ Ресурс нь Баянхөндий алтны төслийн …

Компани нь Баянхөндий алтны ордоос хойд зүгт 2 км-ийн зайд орших Хар Морин Дэл алтны орд ("Dark Horse Mineral Resource")-ын анхан шатны геологийн …

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Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve – a summary

AngloGold Ashanti strives to actively create value by growing its major asset – the Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve. This drive is based on active, well-defined brownfields and …

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Environmental stewardship

AngloGold Ashanti's environment policy continues to evolve and is centred on our commitment to avoid, minimise, and mitigate the impact of our activities on the environment. We proactively manage risks to air, land, biodiversity and water resources during the mining lifecycle.

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Энэхүү нийлмэл дээж нь 15.1 г/т дундаж алтны агуулга бүхий 13 цооногоос 21 ширхэг 1 метрийн интервалын 1/4-ээс бүрдсэн.

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Reviving Obuasi: AngloGold Ashanti's gold mine …

Anglo Ashanti's Obuasi gold mine redevelopment is hailed as a highly successful brownfield project in the history of African mining.

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